Cosmetic Dentistry

With cosmetic dentistry, every smile can be made spectacular. If you see flaws in your smile that you would like to correct, Dr. Mary Beth Mihalakis can dramatically improve your appearance by changing the aesthetics of your teeth. We offer a wide array of cosmetic dentistry services to our patients, including:


  • Teeth Whitening
  • Dental Implants, including Diem 2
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Cosmetic Bonding


During your initial consultation, we will customize a detailed treatment plan that meets your specific needs, desires, and budgetary concerns. Cosmetic dentistry gives you the ability to face the world with a confident, bright, and healthy smile. We invite you to read through the cosmetic dentistry services we offer and to call us with any questions. We’d love to help you design your perfect smile. Contact us today to set up a consultation!


Teeth Whitening


Whitening your teeth is often one of the easiest and most cost-effective methods to brightening and improving your appearance. As we grow older, our teeth will naturally begin to lose some of their youthful luster. This discoloration can be due to aging, what we eat and drink, the use of tobacco, certain illnesses, and even various types of medications.


Fortunately, there are safe, effective, and comfortable techniques that will dramatically whiten teeth and return the appearance of a bright, youthful smile. At the offices of Dr. Mary Beth Mihalakis, we’ll first consult with you to determine your needs, and then we’ll help you choose which teeth-whitening method will fit best with your lifestyle and budget.


Cosmetic Bonding


An easy, relatively low-cost alternative to improving the appearance of your teeth is a procedure called cosmetic bonding. Cosmetic bonding involves adhering tooth-colored resin material to your teeth in order to correct and restore various types of dental flaws, including:


  • Discolored teeth
  • Teeth with gaps or spaces
  • Misaligned or irregularly shaped teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth


Cosmetic bonding is an easy, non-invasive, low-cost dental procedure that can often be completed in a single office visit.


Porcelain Veneers


Have you always dreamed of facing the world with a spectacular smile? At the offices of Dr. Mary Beth Mihalakis, we can make that dream a reality with porcelain veneers. Constructed from wafer-thin porcelain, veneers are permanently bonded to the front of your teeth to cover dental imperfections. Since each porcelain veneer is custom-made, the end result is wholly natural, stunning, and beautiful. Porcelain veneers can correct a wide range of dental flaws, including:


  • Stained and discolored teeth that are unable to be whitened
  • Cracked, chipped, and/or broken teeth
  • Uneven or irregularly shaped teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Teeth with gaps between them
  • Worn down teeth


Everyone deserves a spectacular smile, even if nature didn’t bless them with one. If you’re considering enhancing your smile and would like to know more about porcelain veneers, call our office today. We are happy to answer any of your questions.


Dental Implants


It’s easy to take healthy teeth for granted until we lose one, two, or more. Missing teeth often lower a person’s confidence and their quality of life, but they also pose several risk factors to oral health, including gum disease and additional tooth loss. If you’re missing teeth and are living with the unpleasant side effects or if you simply dislike the inconvenience of a bridge or denture, dental implants might prove to be an ideal solution.


Dental implants can offer an increased sense of comfort and stability, so that everything from eating to speaking becomes easier and more natural. In addition, implants allow patients to achieve solid, healthy smiles, which returns confidence and a sense of personal security. Unfortunately, dental implants are not the correct choice for everyone.


In order to be a good candidate for dental implants, the presence of healthy gums and enough bone to support the implants are essential. Therefore, the first step to determining if dental implants might be right for you is to set up a consultation with our office. Dr. Mary Beth Mihalakis will evaluate your specific needs and explain the best available options.


At our office, we offer traditional dental implants as well as DIEM®2, a state-of-the-art, full-arch rehabilitation solution for patients in need of four or more implants.


Traditional Dental Implants


With conventional dental implants, a number of visits are typically required over several months, which allows the necessary time for the implants to gradually bond with the jawbone. It’s important to note that some dental implants only involve one surgical procedure, while others require a second, follow-up surgery. Regardless, the procedure follows a similar path:


  • A series of x-rays and impressions are taken of the jaw and teeth
  • Over one or two surgical procedures, the implant will be anchored to the jaw
  • The dentist will create custom, extremely natural-looking porcelain reconstructions that will match the color and shape of the patient’s natural teeth


While the entire procedure usually takes between four and six months, these reconstructions function as your original teeth, are impossible to detect as manufactured, and deliver comfort and confidence in your daily life.




For patients who are missing a full arch of teeth, DIEM®2 provides a functional and aesthetic solution to quickly regaining confidence and quality of life. How quickly? The DIEM®2 solution provides both surgical and prosthetic treatment of the full arch in as little as one day, depending on the patient’s specific needs and current oral health.


There are many reasons to consider DIEM®2, some of which include:


  • Elimination of dentures for patients with hopeless dentition
  • Elimination of loose fitting or painful dentures
  • Ability to return home on the day of surgery with prostheses that look aesthetically pleasing and function normally
  • Reduced number of procedures and follow-up visits
  • Fixed interim prostheses for immediate patient satisfaction


Contact our office to schedule a consultation or to learn more.




Have you lost some of your teeth due to periodontal disease, tooth decay, aging, illness, or injury? If so, you likely already know that missing teeth can cause a loss of confidence, difficulty with eating and speaking, and pose problems with your oral health. Dentures provide a solution to all of these issues, and allow you to regain your confidence with comfort and ease.


Dentures are removable prosthetics that are customized specifically to your mouth. Depending on your needs, they are available in full and partial sets. Full dentures replace all of the original teeth on the upper arch, lower arch, or on both arches of your mouth, while partial dentures fill in the gaps that missing teeth have left behind. Modern dentures offer a natural fit and look, increased functionality, and an affordable solution to missing teeth.


Dr. Mary Beth Mihalakis wants to give you back your healthy, beautiful smile. Contact us today to set up your consultation.